Divorce can be easy. The divorce process isn't complex. Lawyers and courts make divorce much more complex than it needs to be. Even the most contentious divorces can be solved easily out of court using our proven resolution strategies.
Unfortunately, too many people believe lawyers and courts are required for a divorce. Attempting to reach an out of court settlement should always be tried before involving attorneys.
We can tell you how to make your divorce easy.
Divorce can be quick. If you avoid lawyers and courts it is possible to settle your divorce in a day! Our goal is to settle every divorce in less than a week.
Child custody battles can slow the process down, but you can still resolve all your other divorce related issues in less than one week. If child custody isn't an issue for you, there is absolutely no reason your divorce should take more than a week.
We can tell you how to make your divorce quick.
Divorce can be cheap. It costs only about $250 to file for divorce. Negotiating with your spouse is free. Going to court is often free. So why do so many divorces cost tens of thousands? Because of LAWYERS!
Lawyers charge $300/hr and up. Lawyers are the only real expense. Minimize your use of lawyers and you'll save thousands.
No matter how complex you think your divorce is, no divorce should cost more than $1,000.
We can tell you how to make your divorce cheap.
Divorce can be free of lawyers and court. Lawyers and courts should be used only as a last resort, never as the first option. Why would you start with the stressful, slow, costly option?
Doesn't it make sense to try the easy, quick, cheap alternative first?
Do you want a divorce or a lawsuit? While court appearances make for entertaining TV, nobody enjoys divorce court in real life.
We can tell you how to avoid lawyers and court appearances.
Divorce can be smart. Not so long ago, divorce lawyers were the only option for divorce information. If you were getting divorced, you called a lawyer and let them handle it.
Today, it's a different world. You're not locked into a 1980's style divorce. Today you have better options. You can achieve a better result for a fraction of the cost and time.
Attorneys give legal advice; we provide great divorce advice. If you want a lawsuit, hire an attorney. You're almost guaranteed to end up in court, endure six months of trials, and end up with a huge legal bill.
If you want to get the best divorce settlement possible without being dragged through the legal process, then try us first. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
Let us help you conduct a smart divorce without lawyers and without courts.
This e-book contains everything you need to get through your divorce quickly, easily, with the best result possible
Details on how the divorce system really works
Get answers to all your divorce related questions:
* Child Custody
* Child Support
* Division of Net Worth
* Alimony
How to avoid court and lawyers

Get two hours of 1-on-1 expert divorce advice. After the first conversation, you'll have all your questions answered and have a strategy designed just for you.
​120 minutes of personal 1-on-1 consulting time from your home or office
Answers to all your divorce related questions
A personalized strategy just for you

Conduct your divorce on your own schedule. Everything and more that you'd receive from a 1-on-1 session in simple video course. Watch at your leisure and learn at your own pace.
Learn everything you that need to conduct your divorce from A-Z​ with step by step instructions
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Learn how to create a written divorce Settlement
Learn how to work with your spouse and avoid lawyers and court